Thursday, October 1, 2009

Howdy from Texas!

Hi, it's Evan. I am in Texas right now.

I got to go hunting for fossils with my family this week.

A long, long time ago Texas was covered by ocean.

Shells of ancient snails and clams were left behind and covered by layers of mud. Over time the mud became rock and the shells slowly changed into fossils.

Here are some of the fossilised shells we found.

A fossil happens when a shell or bone turns into rock.

All of the animals that made these shells lived about one hundred million years ago!

Some of the shells have fallen out of the rock.

Some of the fossils we found are still inside of the rock.

It is pretty cool to hold something that old in your hand.

A person who studies fossils is a paleontologist. They can learn about what life was like millions of years ago. They use pickaxes like this to break apart rocks and little paintbrushes to clean the fossils they find.

We also found a geode which is a hole in the rock that crystals formed inside of. It is very pretty.

I hope I can bring in some fossils and the geode to show the class when I get home.

See you soon,


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